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Spring Cleaning – Prune your Garden, Prune Your Closet

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

It seems like all of a sudden everyone is outside doing their gardening and lawn things. Pulling weeds, planting new flowers, mulching, mowing – and so happy to say goodbye to a rough winter.

It's also time to prune your closet! Get rid of the deadheads, clean up what you love, and breathe fresh air and sunlight into a place you use everyday.

Closets are natural Clutter Monsters. It’s so easy to just throw things in there that you don’t want to deal with, and determinedly leave things that don’t serve you or improve your life.

There is hope, my Clutter Monster Whisperers! Here are a few tips on how to spring clean your closet and create a stress-free morning.

Have you worn it in a year? Yes, you’ve probably heard this one. But there may be some clothes that you save for special occasions that you want to hold onto. That’s fine! It’s the other stuff you never wear that you should Bless and Release. HANGER TRICK – turn all of your hangers the “wrong” way. In a year you’ll easily be able to tell what hasn’t been worn.

As soon as I lose weight …. It took me so long to lose the weight I wanted to that the clothes I had been keeping - that were collecting dust and taking up valuable real estate - were all out of style. Your closet should only hold clothes that fit you TODAY! If you lose the weight, you deserve to buy some new things that actually fit you.

I know I have too many shoes but – The fact of the matter is, you have shoes for different seasons, occasions, weather conditions and vacations. And these can add up! Consider cleaning and packing away the off-season pairs in an underbed storage box (so that they’re still handy should you need them). The special occasion shoes (do I hear Jimmy Choos anyone?) can go in a nifty storage bench (like this one or that one). But really – do you need those beat-up sneakers that you can’t even wear in public they’re so nasty? Prune them out so you only have shoes you love in your closet.

Mend your ways. You keep meaning to mend that ripped hem – or sew a button on a blouse – and you’re sure you can clean that stain with some magic formula that probably hasn’t been invented yet. I’m here to tell you that you won’t (at least 90% of you won’t). Really. And when you open your closet and see all those broken clothes you start feeling guilty because you haven’t tended to them. Which generates a lot of negative energy!

Give them to Goodwill who recycles everything, even broken clothes, and enjoy the extra space and tax deduction!

So once you have banished the closet monster, celebrate by going outside with a glass of lemonade (or sangria) and enjoy the springtime!

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1 comentario

Pam Holland
Pam Holland
20 abr 2023

My fav is "as soon as I lose weight!" Maybe it would be best to love ourselves as we are, let go of the skinny clothes, and treat ourselves to some new ones as a treat when (and if) the weight comes off.

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